Are you looking for accountability not just to stay on plan with THM but to move your body in a healthy way. Then this 5 week accountability group is for you. It will be in a private Facebook group ware I will post each day a thread for each meal of the day and a one for snacks as well, this is were you will post to stay accountable to your meals. On Monday , Wednesday, and Friday there will be a post for your workout with a THM Workins suggested, if do not wish to buy the THM Workins you can do your choice of a 20 min workout. Though out the week there will also be posts with meal tips, encroachment,motivation. There will be a weekly Facebook live for you to get questions answered on Thursdays, time to be decided. Only $25 to join and have all the help you need to stay on plan and to add healthy movement into you week.
To join send a Email to
or message me on Facebook