Going to cook outs, birthday party's, wedding receptions, and family gatherings are just some of the occasions it can be hard to eat only on plan food. In some of these situations you can make wise choices and pick though the options and stay on plan or close to on plan, this is the option I go with most of the time. I achieve this by always asking if I can bring a dish to share and make sure what I bring is a THM dish. The times I do choose to eat off plan are my choice, and I never do more then one meal a day off plan. Trim Healthy Mama is about grace and each person needs to decided what that grace is like for them.
When I am out and about I always have an on plan snack in my bag, this helps me stay on plan. Some of the things I like to have on hand are beef sticks, wisps, string cheese, fruit, lily's chocolate, High key cookies, a shake in a insulated cup, or nuts are just a few ideas there are many other things you can carry with you. Having snacks with you is a good way to help you stay on plan.
Grace has to come with out guilt, I do this by choosing when I want to have an off plan meal. One example is when my husband and I go out for a date (usually grocery shopping) sometimes we will decided to stop for food and I will choose to have some thing off plan on occasion. To make this decision I look at how long has it been since I ate off plan food, and am I ready for how that food could make me feel. Personally I have a harder time giving myself grace when I find myself
in a situation that forces off plan eating, so I keep snacks in my bag when ever I am going out, so I can don't find myself forced to eat off plan or go hungry.
I have found that off plan sweets leave me feeling sick and worn out, so I steer clear of them for the most part. I may have an off plan sweet treat 1-2 times a year. When I do eat off
plan treats it tends to be pizza, burgers, fries , and chips. I choose to only have these off plan Items every 1-3 months, the longer I follow THM the less I want these foods.
You may notice I say off plan foods or meals not cheat, this is because we do not cheat we make the decision to eat the foods that are not on plan. this is a choice each person needs to make for themselves, what foods are worth it, how often you can handle it. What is most important is that you do not stay off plan, enjoy your choice then jump back on plan. A deep S meal can help get you back on track. Don't let one off plan choice derail you from finding your health and trim.
Lets keep in mind how the foods we eat make us feel physically and mentally. Will your food choices bring you closer to your goals? Let the food you put into your mouth be your choice. Don't let one off plan choice stop your journey to health with THM.
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