Have you ever wondered why Trim Healthy Mama recipes call for aluminum free baking powder? Well I did, and this is what I learned about aluminum and how it could affect humans.
Aluminum is the third most abundant mineral in the earth's crust, making it one of the most abundant metals on earth. In its natural state aluminum and be found bound to other elements like phosphate and sulfate in the soil, rocks and clay. Aluminum can also be found in small amounts in the air, water, and your food. Foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, grains, and dairy products are a few foods that aluminum may occur naturally in. Aluminum is also used as a food additive such as preservatives, coloring agents, anti caking agents, and thickeners in processed foods. The amount of aluminum present in your food depends on the soil absorption, packaging and additives used. Some medications such as antacids contain aluminum as well as some cosmetics like deodorant and toothpaste.
The human body needs very little aluminum and will remove excess aluminum naturally through excretion. In some cases the body can not excrete the aluminum or keep up with an increased amount being delivered to it leading to a build up of aluminum in the body causing aluminum toxicity. This can happen to anyone but individuals with impaired kidney function are at greater risk. Some other factors that may make a person susceptible to aluminum toxicity are living in or near a location where aluminum is mined or processed, lining near a hazardous waste disposal site, receiving long term IV nutrition, or eating / drinking foods / beverages containing excessive amounts of aluminum.
The initial symptoms of aluminum toxicity could include confusion, seizures, speech problems, muscle weakness, anemia (due to damaged red blood cells), emotional instability (such as mood swings, insomnia, or anxiety), impaired kidney function, impaired liver function, ulcers, heartburn, rapid heart rate, excessive sweating, and learning difficulties in some children. More long term symptoms could include poorly executed voluntary movements and an increase of involuntary movements. Excessive leaves of aluminum in the body can interfere with the absorption of other minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and fluoride leading to weak painful bones that are prone to breaking, and tooth decay, as well as it can slow the growth of children.
Some studies have found that people with Parkinson's disease and dementia have an increased level of aluminum in their brains, but there has not been a direct cause and effect determined.
Only a doctor can diagnose and treat aluminum toxicity, and treatment has to be closely monitored due to severe side effects.
It is still unclear as to how unsafe and weather aluminum is harmful or under what circumstances it may be harmful. Since there is no way to avoid aluminum all together it may be best to try and limit your exposure. You can reduce your exposure to aluminum by watching cosmetic products like deodorant and toothpaste for aluminum. You might want to consider limiting the use of aluminum dishes, pots of foil when preparing or storing food, especially salty or acidic foods. Limit or avoid processed food wrapped in a foil wrapper, as well as buying aluminum free when possible.
Well that made it clearer to me why we would want to limit our exposure to aluminum by using aluminum free baking powder. Hopefully this helps some others understand why it matters what baking powder we use, but i understand that this is a personal choice and I am not a doctor of a scientist so feel free to do your own research to come to your own conclusions.